Saturday, March 17, 2007

Are You There Boris? It's Me, The High Priest - SXSW Day 3 and half of 4

Aaron Horkey says that too much Boris might just make one's head explode.

I believe him.

It was a bittersweet moment today as I watched Boris for the third and final time at this year's SXSW.
And even though there is still tonight to go, I can safely congratulate Boris as being THE BTY BAND OF THE ENTIRE SXSW 2007!
We salute you.

Day 3 was another successful day at the festival. A brief appearence was made at Flatstock 12 and here are my thoughts:

It is always great to see Jared Connor. He is one of the coolest guys around and makes some of the best posters for the greatest bands. He has started doing some wood prints that are coming out amazing. Please visit his site to peruse and buy. If you are a Mars Volta fan, there is no better poster artist.

I love Jay Ryan. It is rare when you get to sit and have a conversation with such an influential artist in the rock poster medium as I did yesterday. A super cool guy, an amazing artist, and a rock n roller are just a few of the adjectives involved with this guy. I still believe his mistake books are the best thing going today. They are totally BTY.

Aaron Horkey continues to kill it day in and day out. And that's just for being Aaron Horkey. His new posters for Converge and Red Sparowes are genius. Stayed tuned to for on sale info.

Finally for Flatstock, it was an absolute joy to meet the fellas from Jamungo: FERG and TVM. Their toys are the BEST on the market today. I heard a little bit about what they have planned for this year, and you are not going to want to miss it. Watch out Kidrobot, cause Jamungo is BTY. Watch out for BUD Series 2 very soon. Find out more at

The Vice Saves Texas Party was ok. It had several things going against it:


I did get to see Turbonegro, which was a real treat. These guys rock out with their cock out.
I can't wait to see them again.

The night was spread out among Lava Lounge, Spiro's, and Emos Annex.

The Heart Break Beat Records showcase at Lava Lounge was CRAZY.


The club shut down The New Flesh after about five songs, and they came real close to doing the same to Vincent Black Shadow. The lead singers for both bands were mostly to blame for the trouble as they spent most of their sets in the crowd pushing and punching people while occasionally pouring drinks on the crowd and themselves.
Vincent Black Shadow is a great band waiting to happen. They sounded great. They would sound better if they lost the lead singer and went strictly instrumental. Just my opinion.

I was lucky enough to catch Zoroaster at Spiro's. They kick ass. Check them out.

boris needs no description. I was as close to Wata as you are to your computer.


The Walkmen finished my night very nicely along with a gyro and a hot dog.

I also started my morning dealing with that gyro and hot dog.

Along with seeing Boris today we saw The Good, The Bad, and The Queen.

They were good. Good-Bye Fader Party. You treated us well.

I gotta go eat. Mew, Bad Wizard, and Midlake are calling.

BTY 4 Life

The High Priest


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

haha!!!! i'm in vincent black shadow. just to clarify, our singer didn't punch anybody. stuck his finger up his butt onstage, yes. but no punches. we got the cops called on us because the soundguy hated us, tried to cancel our check, and tried to milk $200 out of us for a microphone that wasn't broken. thanks for the compliment though.